ETUC - Youth overarching political document "The Future of Youth"
Brussels, May 10th 2019
To: Members of the ETUC - Youth Committee
Dear colleagues,
Following my previous circular from March 28th, I am happy to share with you the endorsed version of the document "The Future of Youth".
I take this opportunity to ask ETUC - Youth Committee members to kindly translate this document into all the European languages comprised by the ETUC affiliates. More importantly, I encourage to use this document as a compass of your trade union action to better protect and represent young workers. This document is the outcome of many months of political debates and hard work. I wanted to thank you all for your engagement throughout the process.
This document replaces the European Youth Employment Policy Paper. The bureau of the ETUC - Youth Committee congratulates the team of Salvatore Marra and Tom Vrijens for their commitment in creating and implementing this strategy.
Fraternal greetings,
Viktória Nagy
President of the ETUC - Youth Committee