For Information : For information: Expert Report on the Legal Feasability of the ETUC Proposal on Platform Work

Brussels, 24 June 2021 

  • FOR INFORMATION: To the Executive Committee and ETUC member organisations  
  • To the Employment, Mobility and Labour Market Committee  
  • To the Collective Bargaining and Wage Coordination Committee  
  • To the Labour and Internal Market Legislation Committee  
  • To the Social Protection Committee  
  • To the ETUC ad-hoc working group on non-standard workers and platform companies 

Dear colleagues,  

Please find attached an Expert Report on the Legal Feasability of the ETUC Proposal on Platform Work which was drafted by researchers from Madrid and Lyon universities in the framework of the ETUC project on “Establishing workers representation and social dialogue in the platform and app economy”. 

Please note that the document is not to be disseminated; its aim is to serve as a basis for reflection for our reply to the second stage consultation on platform work. You will also find attached an introductory note to the report as well as a document on options for legal presumptions and burden of proof reversals.  

We remind you that on 30 June at 14.00-15.00, we are organising a short meeting (in English only) to give you a brief update on where we are in our strategy towards platform work. Please note that the aim of the meeting is not to go into the details of the mentioned expert report or of our draft reply to the second stage consultation, but to give you an overview of our general strategy and developments regarding the topic (assessment of EC documents, EP own-initiative report, communication and mobilisation strategy for the autumn). Please register here to receive the dial-in details.  

Kind regards,  

Ludovic Voet  

ETUC Confederal Secretary