Call to Action : Support for European Parliament's Report on Directive on European Disability Card and European Parking Card

Brussels, 23 January 2024

To: Members of the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union

Dear Ambassadors, 

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) supports the report adopted by the European Parliament concerning the proposal for a Directive on the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities. 

Specifically, we wish to endorse the proposal of the European Parliament to broaden the scope of the initiative, with the amend on Article 2.2 to include the recognition of compensation for workers with disabilities exercising their right to mobility during the period required for the assessment of their functionality in the host country.  The specific amendment (number 43) proposes the addition of a new paragraph 2a under Article 2, which reads as follows:

2a. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, this Directive shall apply to the benefits and social assistance referred to in  paragraph 2, points (b) and (c), where:

(a) European Disability Card holders move to another Member State to engage in work or enrol in an educational institution until their disability status is re-assessed and formally recognised by the competent authorities in the other Member State; and

(b) a European Disability Card holder participates in an EU mobility programme, for the duration of that programme.

Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that holders of a European Disability Card, while in the situations referred to in  this paragraph, are granted access to the benefits and social assistance referred to inparagraph 2, points (b) and (c), by the Member State that issued the European Disability card.

The employment landscape for workers with disabilities poses significant challenges and barriers, hindering their ability to work in other European countries. The process of reassessing the functionality of a worker with a disability in a new country can be time-consuming. Consequently, while awaiting this reassessment, workers with disabilities face significant challenges, having lost their compensation during this period. This is why allowing them to retain their rights during this transition period is crucial for providing the necessary support. The European Disability Card should extend its advantages beyond facilitating access to cultural events and parking – the original scope of the proposal of the European Commission and the mandate of the European Council. This initiative should actively support and safeguard the right to mobility for workers with disabilities, ensuring their access to compensation during the assessment period. 

It is crucial to remind the Members of the Council of the European Union that while workers can export their entitlement to unemployment benefits for up to three months when moving to another Member State, disability compensations are lost from the very beginning for mobile workers. This discriminatory situation entails a limitation which significantly impedes the fundamental right to mobility for this vulnerable group within European societies. 

It is important to emphasize that we maintain a close and collaborative relationship with the European Disability Forum, an organization that also endorses this amendment to Article 2.2.

In light of the European Parliament's report and the upcoming tripartite negotiations on this file, we urge the Council to take steps towards broadening its scope as outlined above. Ensuring that disability compensations accompany mobile workers during their assessment period is an essential stride toward fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities for all individuals in the EU. 

Best regards, 

Tea Jarc 

ETUC Confederal Secretary