Invitation : Youth & Cost-of-Living Crisis | 24th January | online


Brussels 17th January 2023 

  • To Members of the ETUC Youth Committee 

Dear members of the Youth Committee,

I hope that your year has started well.

Following the decision from our last committee meeting (December 2022) we would like to discuss more in-depth the current cost-of-living crisis, its impacts on young people and measures that the unions could take on national and European level.

The online meeting will take place on 24th January from 10:30 to 12:30 and will be in English.

Please find below the points that will be discussed.

The number of participants is not limited but only one person per organisation will be allowed to intervene at each point.

To confirm your participation at the meeting and to receive the link please fill in this short online form before Monday 23rd January.

For any questions or additional information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Lucie Susova

ETUC Youth Coordinator


  • Opening & introduction of participants
  • Effects of cost-of-living crisis on young workers
  • Exchange of best practices and trade union actions
  • Discussion about youth statement