ETUC Statement on Amazon Strike

Amazon strike

ETUC Statement on Amazon Strike

Statement approved at the Executive Committee 22-23 March 2021

This is a momentous time for industrial relations for Amazon, in Italy, in Europe and globally. It is the first time that a general strike of the Amazon’s supply chain direct employees and supply chain employees, workers, temporary workers and delivery workers takes place. Workers start to union organise and fight back against

dehumanising work. Amazon's unacceptable behaviour demonstrates its chronic unwillingness to engage in dialogue with Trade Unions and establish a fair and transparent system of industrial relations.  

Italian workers in Amazon and the supply chain demand decent working conditions, including control of the workload and paces imposed in the Amazon supply chain; verification and negotiation of work shifts; a proper and correct professional and occupational status classification; reduction in the working hours for drivers; lunch cheques; adequate amount for travel expenses allowance; social clause and automatic staff hiring in the event of a change of procurement; productivity benefits; Covid19 allowance; damages and deductibles, accident compensation for drivers; training, Health and Safety; transition to open ended term contracts for temporary workers and fixed contracts.

The ETUC Executive Committee stands in solidarity with all people striking today in Italy and strongly supports their demands for fair working conditions and the full respect of workers' and trade union rights. ETUC also calls on Amazon to establish proper trade union and social dialogue relations, respect of collective bargaining provisions and recalls the role of social responsibility that multinationals like Amazon must have towards their workers and the communities.