A number of fixed-term contract workers at the Danone Nutricia Research Centre in the Netherlands have moved into secure jobs, thanks to the intervention of the FNV trade union.
Members of the company’s works council had complained about staff being employed long-term on casual contracts that came up for renewal every two years. Following local negotiations based on the Sustainable Employment and Access to Rights Agreement between Danone and the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF), 45 long-term contract workers moved into permanent jobs.
Remaining contract workers employed for specific projects will now be entitled to the same training and sick leave rights as permanent workers. More people will be moved onto secure contracts next year. The Danone/IUF agreement commits the signatories to work together to promote “permanent direct employment as an essential foundation for a sustainable business anchored in respect for human rights with an engaged, qualified workforce and a healthy labour relations environment.”
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