Agenda : International Women's Day - "How can a pay rise make a dent into the persistent gender pay and pensions gaps?"
Brussels, 23 February 2017
Update : new agenda
“How can a pay rise make a dent into the persistent gender pay and pensions gaps?”
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On the eve of International Women’s Day ETUC invites you to a Panel Discussion: “How can a pay rise make a dent into the persistent gender pay and pensions gaps?”
As you know, the ETUC is currently preparing a campaign for a general pay rise in Europe. We also aim to tackle the persistent gender pay and pensions gaps. This is the reason we want to highlight on International Women’s Day, the 8th of March.
We will hold an evening event on the 7th of March in the form of a panel discussion to which we will invite trade unionists and European Parliamentarians. French interpretation will be provided.
Come and discuss with us and celebrate International Women’s Day!
from 18:00 to 20:00 (followed by a small reception)
Room B - ITUH
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5 – B-1210 Bruxelles
Please register using the following link
Hoping to see you all there,
Yours sincerely
Montserrat MIR
Confederal Secretary