Brussels, 2012
Increasingly, public policy attention is directed towards how to address the rising greenhouse gas emissions from transport and promote sustainable transport practices.
In April 2011, the Commission produced its Communication on the Single Transport Area as a sectoral Roadmap within the framework of the Roadmap 2050, which would see greenhouse gas emissions from transport reduced by 60% by 2050.
It is the intention with a series of workshops to bring together the discussions, experience and perspectives of different trade union branches (e.g. European Transport Workers Federation and European Metalworkers/Industrial workers Federation) to discuss this issues.
- The first workshop of the EU sponsored Sustainable Mobility project entitled Holistic Mobility Management took place on 10-11 December in Brussels bringing together Trade Unions and interested parties.
This was the first of 2 workshops in partnership with EPE, European Partners for the Environment,
- The second workshop entitled, Sustainable Mobility & Integrated Planning in Urban Areas, took place on 4-5 February.
The two workshops will result in a resolution and a background paper stating the ETUC position on sustainable mobility.
- The project will conclude with a conference on 7th of May where the results of the workshops will be presented to a wider audience.
- Leaflet Get moving for clean air: Rights, Investment & Just Transition