The ETUC criticised the Council’s failure to agree a Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 that would effectively tackle the impact of the economic crisis, especially mass unemployment, and support sustainable growth and investment.
The ETUC called for an increased budget to combat the effects of austerity measures, to support the EU 2020 strategy objectives and the initiatives set out in the Employment Package.
To match the ambitions set by the Europe 2020 strategy and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to take up the many additional challenges, Europe must have the political will to increase the EU General Budget and reform the own resources system.
The current MFF has been stretched to its limits in the first two years. An ambitious revision of the MFF is essential for tackling the refugee and migration crises, stimulating stagnant economies, rebuilding Europe’s industrial base and tackling youth unemployment.