Branches of ETUC-affiliated trade unions in Italy, Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, and Uiltec Uil, have signed an agreement with oil company ENI that promotes a just transition for workers, as the business prepares to reduce its carbon footprint.
They agreed on a protocol to pave the way for discussions on ENI’s new business structure and its impact on human resources. The objective is to meet the challenge of energy transition in an inclusive way, based on social dialogue and preliminary consultation, with jobs at its heart.
At national level there will be a joint strategy committee meeting twice a year, a health and safety committee meeting four times a year, and a welfare committee to discuss additional measures to support workers and their families.
“This protocol reinforces the participatory paths of industrial relations, which are essential to govern the effects of the current health emergency and to manage a sustainable energy transition. It is needed to safeguard existing jobs and prepare the 'new work' and the workers of the future,” said Nora Garofalo, FEMCA CISL general secretary.