Middle East and Mediterranean area

Tom Jenkins (send a mail)

Advisor:Peter Seideneck (send mail)

Sec:Stéphanie Wouters (send mail)

Tel: +32 2 2240531

fax: +32 2 2240454/55

Following the EU’s 1995 Barcelona Declaration establishing a Euro-Mediterranean partnership for a common area of peace, stability and prosperity, the ETUC and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)in 1999 set up the Euro-Med Trade Union Forum, with the support of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU) and the Trade Union Confederation of Arab Magreb Workers (USTMA). The forum promotes cooperation on issues including labour law, workers’ rights, social protection and social dialogue.

- Conclusion Euromed Ministerial Conference, 5-6 November 2007