Far-right bosses take aim at social justice

The bosses of far-right parties across Europe and the world made clear their intention to attack the public services essential for working communities to thrive. While working people face a cost-of-living crisis and businesses continue to hand out historically high dividends, far-right speakers at a Madrid event over the weekend defended free-market neoliberalism and railed against the welfare state while down-playing income inequality.

Far-right leaders claim to champion the “little guy,” but their track record in power reveals a different story. Their policies exacerbate income inequality, erode workers’ rights, and threaten social cohesion. Rather than defending working people, they protect the interests of the powerful few. 

Esther Lynch, ETUC General Secretary, said:

“When far-right leaders met in Madrid this weekend, no solutions were presented for working people. 

“Instead, they demonised social justice struggles in an attempt to distract people from the real issues and protect the interests of the rich and powerful. Read between the lines and their objective to sell off public services to their wealthy backers becomes clear to see.

“Trade union people will not be fooled or intimidated by these gatherings. A recent poll by the EU Parliament shows that the fight against poverty and social exclusion is the number one priority of citizens for Europe, followed by public health and support to the economy and the creation of quality jobs. 

“The far-right offer no solutions to low wages, long hours, or poor working conditions. Instead, they focus on divisive rhetoric and fear-mongering, distracting from the urgent need for tax justice, affordable housing, fair wages, and improved labour conditions.”

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