Commenting on the adoption of the SURE Regulation by COREPER today, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said
“The ETUC welcomes the decision to adopt the EU job-saving scheme SURE, but regrets that it took one month for this process to be finalised due to the veto of a few member states which have put EU workers’ jobs and income at risk.
“Now we appeal to member states to speed up their decision-making to make the guarantees immediately available, and make SURE operational as soon as possible. 42 million workers on short-time work in Europe cannot wait longer.
“We also appeal to member states to speed up their bureaucratic processes and pay the income compensation to the beneficiaries. It’s a scandal that after two months millions of workers are still waiting for the financial support to which they have a right.
“We ask the Commission to urgently issue guidelines to push member states to enlarge the coverage of short-time work and income compensation to all workers, including non-standard and self-employed, and to ensure that the level of compensation reaches at least 80% of the salary.”