ETUC and CEEP call for European legal framework for services of general interest

Brussels, 06/03/2007

Services of general interest are acknowledged as one of the pillars of the European Social Model and as such have to be safeguarded and promoted. This is why CEEP and the ETUC have agreed that a European framework on SGEIs is necessary. Accordingly CEEP and the ETUC have proposed the key elements such a framework should include.

Now, the ETUC and CEEP together call on the Commission in advance of its initiative on public services to be launched this month, to issue a substantial text, since another largely non-committal and cosmetic Communication would be unacceptable.

The ETUC and CEEP invite the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to accept their offer to work together to establish a sound future for services of general economic interest in Europe. They think that their proposals, approved by the members of two European representative social partners, are good examples of how to achieve workable results on controversial issues within the European Union.

In this context the ETUC has launched a petition calling on the European Commission to take action to protect and strengthen public services and to ensure a real European framework for the support of public services.

- ETUC and CEEP Joint Statement

- ETUC Petition