The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes a Vatican Conference – today and yesterday - on labour and the workers’ movement (trade unions) being at the core of development, and on work having to be good for everyone.
An ETUC delegation, led by General Secretary Luca Visentini, attended the “Labor Unions International meeting: from Populorum progressio to Laudato si” organised by the Holy See in the Vatican City.
The ETUC General Secretary welcomed the opportunity for discussion between trade unions from across the globe with the Catholic Church on work and human development and the role of trade unions in a changing world.
Addressing one of the conference sessions, Luca Visentini pointed to 5 key challenges facing the trade union movement:
- Getting a deeply changing global economy to move towards a different macroeconomic policy based on solidarity and public investment;
- Promoting a just transition to ensure no worker is left behind as a result of the changes caused by globalisation, digitalisation and climate action;
- Achieving a pay rise and better working conditions for all to tackle rising inequality and in-work poverty, and to generate growth and recovery;
- Establishing inclusive social protection systems for all type of workers, while reaffirming and reinforcing workers’ and citizens’ rights;
- A new approach to migration aiming at saving lives, welcoming and relocating people in need, integrating them in the society and labour market.
The ETUC supports the final declaration jointly drafted by participants and issued at the end at the meeting.