Brussels, 19/06/2008
Change is a feature of modern economies and societies requiring workers and companies to adapt constantly. The European social partners have undertaken joint work on restructuring. They first undertook a study in the countries that joined the EU in 2004, with the main objective of better understanding the economic and social challenges faced by companies and workers in terms of restructuring. This study has then been extended to the remaining EU countries, as part of the Integrated Programme of the European Social Partners 2006-2008.
The main results of this new joint study, covering 10 EU countries, will be presented during a synthesis seminar that will bring together around 100 workers’ and employers’ representatives from all across Europe. Through discussions around four key themes related to restructuring processes (flexibility and security, developing a shared diagnosis and agenda, dealing with current and future skills needs, silent restructuring) , national social partners will compare and contrast their role with a view to learning lessons for the future.
European social partners have created two specific “resource centres” websites containing information on their Integrated Programme. The 20 national studies on restructuring as well the final synthesis reports can be accessed at: (ETUC Resource Centre); (Employers’ Resource Centre).
For more information please contact:
Maria Fernanda Fau, BUSINESSEUROPE Tel.:+32(0)2 237 65 62
Francesco Longu, UEAPME Tel.:+32(0)2 230 75 99
Gin Ngan, CEEP Tel.:+32(0)2 229 21 58
Patricia Grillo, ETUC Tel.: +32(0)2 224 04 30