Trade Unions at EU Social Summit 16-17 November
European trade unions will be at the EU Social Summit in Gothenburg, with a European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) event and trade union delegations taking part in an Extraordinary Tripartite Social Summit and the Social Summit.
Below are details of ETUC events open to journalists, and the participation and availability of trade unionists in Summit events.
16 November 2017
12.00-14.00 ETUC public event - Building a better Europe for working people
The Social Progress Protocol and the European Pillar of Social Rights
Clarion Hotel Post, Drottningtorget 10, Gothenburg
To register
Speakers include:
Ministers Ylva Johansson, Sweden & Nicolas Schmit, Luxembourg;
MEPs Agnes Jongerius & Maria João Rodrigues;
Trade unionists Gabriele Bischoff, Workers Group, EESC; Erich Foglar, OGB, Austria; Esther Lynch & Luca Visentini, ETUC; Oliver Roetig, UNI Europa; Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, LO, Sweden;
NGOs Connie Reuter, Solidar; Kélig Puyet, Social Platform
13.50 - ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini will be available for interview/comment
19.00-20.30 Extraordinary Tripartite social summit, Gothia Towers with the PMs of Sweden, Estonia and Bulgaria and the Presidents of the European Commission and Parliament
Trade union delegation: Luca Visentini (ETUC), Göran Arrius (Sweden), Carmelo Barbagallo (Italy), Rudy De Leuuw (Belgium), Plamen Dimitrov (Bulgaria), Erich Foglar (Austria), Eva Nordmark (Sweden), Martin Jefflen (EuroCadres), Peep Peterson (Estonia), Oliver Roetig (UniEuropa), Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson (Sweden).
ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini will be available for interview on arrival (around 18.30) and on departure (around 20.30).
17 November 2017
09.30-15.30 EU Social summit
Trade union delegation: Luca Visentini and Esther Lynch (ETUC), Pepe Alvarez (Spain), Carmelo Barbagallo (Italy), Laurent Berger (France), Jan Guz (Poland), Marie-Hélène Ska (Belgium), Josef Stredula (Czech Republic), Luc Triangle (IndustriAll Europe).
ETUC’s Luca Visentini and Esther Lynch will be available for interview on arrival (around 09.00) and departure (around 15.15).
For interviews/comments from Luca Visentini/Esther Lynch contact: Julian Scola, [email protected] Mobile +32 486 117 394
See leaflet below for text of ETUC leaflets for Gothenburg
For more on ETUC’s position on the European Pillar of Social Rights see and