Extending equality

Brussels, July 2008

This report draws on the two-day conference ‘Extending equality: Trade union actions to organise and promote equal rights, respect and dignity for workers regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity’ held in Brussels on 29–30 January 2008. The conference was organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) with the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA-Europe). Two surveys were also carried out to gauge the awareness of LGBT issues in trade union organisations and also to highlight the challenges facing trade unions and good practices that can be shared across Europe.

Content of report

This report summarises the conference proceedings, conclusions and recommendations, as well as the results of the surveys, to point forward for trade unions and NGOs in their work on LGBT equality in the workplace.


It aims to:

- raise awareness of LGBT issues in trade union organisations;

- highlight the importance of making the connection between LGBT rights and trade union rights;

- present good practices that can help trade union organisations to develop policies, intitiatives and actions in collective bargaining and in the workplace on LGBT rights;

- make suggestions about how LGBT equality initiatives can be integrated into trade union policies and practices;

- show how collaboration between NGOs and trade unions can result in positive outcomes for the promotion of LGBT equality in the workplace and in wider society.

To download the report, click on icon.

Further information

ETUC also published a leaflet on Extending equality – Trade union in action! Organising and promoting equal rights, respect and dignity for LGTB workers (available in 22 languages).