• 03.08.2021 Publication

    Getting young workers on board of the European Pillar of Social rights - The EPSR Action Plan through the youth lenses

    Across the EU, young people are continuing to face a number of significant challenges to enter and get a stable position in the labour market. They do not easily obtain good quality jobs with decent wages and are still faced with significant exclusion from regular employment, good-quality education, training opportunities as well as adequate inclusion and coverage in the national social protection systems. Young women and migrants are particularly affected.  This results in significant challenges for young people to secure a stable foothold in good quality employment.
  • 08.03.2021 Publication

    Engaging young people in trade Unions

    Recommendations on engaging young people in trade unions
    Following different projects with partners such us ETUI and ITC-ILO, and building on contributions from member organisations and individuals across Europe, ETUC Youth Committee in cooperation with FES presents a guide with recommendations on how to engage young people in the work of trade unions.  The guide explores existing good practices and new ways how to stop the trade union membership decline which is an existing threat in 27 out of 31 analysed countries. 
  • 12.01.2021 Publication

    Sign on: Joint Appeal on EU-China Investment Agreement

    JOINT APPEAL ON THE INCLUSION OF A HUMAN RIGHTS CLAUSE IN THE EU-CHINA COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT ON INVESTMENT To the attention of: Commissioner for Trade, Mr. Valdis Dombrovskis President of the European Council, Mr. Charles Michel President of the European Commission, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Parliament, Mr. David Sassoli High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mr. Josep Borrell Members of the European Parliament
  • 12.10.2020 Publication

    A People’s Recovery - Everybody on board For a fairer, greener & digital future!

    A People’s Recovery Everybody on board for a fairer, greener & digital future! ETUC acknowledges the efforts made to create a €750 billion European Union recovery plan on top of the EU’s long-term budget (ie MFF). Although not enough it represents a much better response to the COVID crisis than the EU’s austerity-driven response to the 2008 financial crisis. With 45 million workers at risk of unemployment the stakes are very high.
  • 05.08.2020 Publication

    Adaptation to Climate Change and the world of work - A Guide for Trade Unions

    Adaptation to Climate Change
    This guide has several objectives: first of all, it provides a clear definition of the concept of adaptation to climate change. Second, it aims to give the reader a clear idea of how climate change consequences will affect the different European regions and sectors. Third, it aims to explain what effects climate change will have on health and safety of workers. Finally, it details a set of recommendations and looks at existing practices to allow trade unions to take action on adaptation at the various levels.
  • 30.06.2020 Publication

    More democracy at work (Publications and video)

    dem at work
    Freedom, democracy and social justice are core values of the European Union. Democracy is important; not only on the political but also on the economic level. More Democracy at Work is part of a broader approach for a more Social Europe which is urgently needed. Workers represent an integral part of companies and the public sector, offering their time, energy and skills on a daily basis. Their voice and influence are however limited and are in fact shrinking Have a look to our video
  • 24.06.2020 Publication

    Strengthening Workers'Voices in case of Insolvencies - ETUC Report and Guidelines

    Cover Insolvencies
    A well-functioning European insolvency framework with a focus on preventive restructuring is not only essential to safeguard employment and workers’ interests, but also to support economic growth and cross-border investment. With this context in mind, it is important for the European Trade Union movement to analyse the impact the new EU directive may have on European workers’ rights as well as to clarify the scope for national implementation.
  • 26.03.2020 Publication

    COVID-19 Watch // ETUC Briefing notes

    Cover Pubblicazione Briefing notes
    The ETUC launches a series of ‘COVID-19 Watch’ briefing notes. They focus on developments providing critical information on the impacts of COVID-19 on labour markets, workers and citizens across Europe. These Briefing Notes are produced by the ETUC with the support of the ETUI and ETUC affiliated organisations. While every effort has been made to make them accurate at the date of publication, new agreements and measures are being announced daily. The current briefings will be updated periodically, and new ones produced on other topics.
  • 03.03.2020 Publication

    Artificial Intelligence will it make bias against women worse?

    ETUC is concerned that Artificial Intelligence will reinforce gender inequality and stereotypes by building existing biases and prejudices into the algorithms and programmes of artificial intelligence, and believes that every effort needs to be made to ensure women are treated equally and with respect.