Spanish trade unionists joined civil society organisations in a march through the city of Ceuta in February, calling for justice and fair treatment for refugees and migrants.
Several hundred people took part in the seventh March for Dignity, including CC.OO Confederal Secretary of Employment and Professional Qualifications, Lola Santillana. With the slogan ‘In front of your walls, we build bridges’, they demanded respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international humanitarian law, and compliance with the Spanish immigration framework.
The march commemorated the thousands forced to leave their homes and countries by war and poverty, often imprisoned, excluded or exploited, and the many who have lost their lives, including 15 people who died on the Tarajal beach dividing Morocco and Spain.
Trade unions stand for human rights and peaceful coexistence for all, regardless of origin, religion or race, and demand universal migration policies based on democratic values, justice, equality, solidarity and respect for plurality.
The march ended on Tarajal beach with the reading of a manifesto calling for an alternative immigration policy, defending the dignity of all people, creating legal and safe channels for free movement, and reception and hospitality provisions.