The social partners in Spain have worked with the government to create a free online tool to enable employers to identify whether female employees are being paid less than men.
According to the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, the assessment tool sets out a simple, educational, transparent and standardised process that helps companies to comply with their legal obligations, regardless of their size. The results make it possible to identify discriminatory pay practices between women and men and can serve as a basis for collective bargaining.
The social dialogue forum that developed the tool involved trade unions CC.OO. and UGT, the General Directorate of Labour, the Women's Institute and business organisations, guided by a panel of experts.
Companies can use the tool to assess the value of jobs based on a range of criteria, including their nature, the tasks required, the necessary qualification level, the working conditions and so on. All the factors that distinguish the job must be considered to ensure that none are invisible or undervalued, and gender stereotypes are avoided. The results will also help employers to prepare equality plans by identifying possible cases of gender discrimination.