* : ETUC Comments on Draft Council Conclusions on improving access to enabling services and employment services to reduce territorial inequalities and promote social inclusion

Dear social attachés,

The upcoming discussions at the Social Questions Working Party will address the draft Council Conclusions on improving access to enabling services and employment services in order to reduce territorial inequalities and promote social inclusion, as proposed by the Hungarian Presidency of the European Union.

The document addresses the crucial challenge of ensuring cohesion within European societies, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups, and considers the role that well-functioning services can play in this regard. However, the document could be strengthened by placing greater emphasis on quality jobs and the significant role that public employment services can play in this context, among other relevant aspects.

In preparation for these discussions, the European Trade Union Confederation has prepared an assessment and a series of considerations, which you will find in the enclosed document.

Please find attached our assessment along with some proposed changes.

Should you require further information or details on the trade union proposals, please do not hesitate to contact ETUC Senior Advisor Ignacio Doreste at [email protected].

Best regards,


Tea Jarc
ETUC Confederal Secretary