Reminder : Social Partners consultation on possible action further improving the quality of traineeships

Brussels, 24 July 2023

  • To  Members of the Youth Committee
  • To  Members of the Employment, Mobility and Labour Committee

Dear Colleagues, 

I hope this email finds you well.

We would like to kindly remind you about an informal online session to discuss and answer any questions regarding a draft reply to the 1st phase of Social Partner Consultation on a possible action further improving the quality of traineeships.

The meeting will take place tomorrow, 25th July at 10:00 via Teams. Please follow this link to connect to the session.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, 


Kind regards, 

Tea Jarc

Confederal Secretary


Brussels, 19 July 2023

  • To  Members of the  Youth Committee
  • To  Members of the Employment, Mobility and Labour Committee
  • To  Members of the Executive Committee
  • For information: ETUC Member organisations

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached our draft reply to the 1st phase of Social Partner Consultation on a possible action further improving the quality of traineeships. Please send your proposed changes and comments in the form of track changes in the Word document to [email protected] and [email protected] by 7th August 2023. (Please make sure to send your contributions to both email addresses to facilitate our work during the holiday period) 

We would also like to invite you for an informal online session to answer any questions that will take place next Tuesday, 25th July at 10:00 via Teams. Please follow this link to connect to the session.

Also, please find attached again the roadmap outlining the next steps.

We remain at your disposal for any additional questions,

Kind regards,

Tea Jarc

Confederal Secretary


Brussels, 11 July 2023

  • To the Members of the Youth Committee
  • To the Members of the Employment, Mobility and Labour Committee
  • To the Members of the Executive Committee
  • For information: ETUC Members organisations

Dear Colleagues,

The European Commission launched yesterday the first phase of the Consultation of the European social partners on a possible action further improving the quality of traineeships.

Following the roadmap approved by the Steering Committee on 27/06/2023, we will send you the first draft response next Wednesday, 19/07/2023.

You will find attached the updated plan with the next deadlines.

Please note that a short online info session, to answer or discuss any questions, will be organised on Tuesday 25th July at 10:00 and chaired by Yolanda Gil, the president of the ETUC Youth Committee.

For any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact Lucie Susova ([email protected]).

All the best,

Tea Jarc

Confederal Secretary

Brussels, 28 June 2023

  • To the Members of the the Youth Committee
  • To the Members of the Employment, Mobility and Labour Committee

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to address you from my new position as ETUC Confederal Secretary in charge of the Collective bargaining for Quality jobs and Upward Convergence, which among others includes overseeing the work of Youth Committee and Employment, Mobility and Labour Market Committee.

I am very much looking forward to our work together on those important topics.

With this email, I would like to share with you information about the next steps in relation to the European initiative on quality traineeships that will require our joint effort during the vacation period.

Following the Commission’s work program for 2023 and the recent Parliament vote on the own-initiative report on Quality Traineeships, the Social Partners consultation is the next necessary step.

From the informal sources, we know that the Commission is preparing it to be launched in the first week(s) of July, giving us a 6 week period to answer.

We are very disappointed with this timeline, which is undeniably colliding with a vacation period, but we are committed to deliver a detailed answer that will ensure the launch of the second stage of the consultation without any delay.

Please find attached for your information a roadmap and indicative timeline. The exact timeline will be sent out once the consultation is launched.

Our team will prepare the first draft answer following the mandate from Executive Committee stated in Resolution on Quality Traineeships  (March 2023) which will be shared with you for your input and amendments (1 week time). Following your input, we will circulate the final reply to the Executive Committee for approval via written procedure. This means that every member of the Executive Committee will have to vote by sending a filled voting card back to our Secretariat. As agreed by the Steering Committee, considering that the consultation takes place during the summer break, the reply will be valid and sent to the European Commission if we receive at least 2/3 of the votes cast in favour.

We thank you in advance for your engagement on this topic and we hope we can count on your support and input in the next steps of this process.

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact Lucie Susova ([email protected]) ETUC Advisor on the topic.

Kind regards,

Tea Jarc

Confederal Secretary