Call to Action : Traineeship Directive - ETUC position

Brussels, 23 July 2024

To: Social Attaches

Dear friends, 

I hope this email finds you well. 
With this email, we would like to raise concerns regarding the direction of the ongoing discussion in the Social Question Working Party on the Traineeship Directive which is part of the traineeship package. 

In our understanding, the current approach is based on the national definition of workers and the reclassification of workers in disguised traineeship. This procedure is burdensome, unrealistic with the current resources of the labour inspectorate, and misses the objective of establishing a fair and level playing field across the Union. 
Additionally, if we do not enlarge the scope, and the proposal only covers the trainees with existing employment contracts (paid trainees), we do not see any added value to the protections already in place for workers.

Our main demand is to bring back/ establish the chapter on quality criteria as part of the directive. (similar to Article 5)
The diverse regulatory approaches at the national level, coupled with weak monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, result in significant disparities in the protection offered to trainees. Not all trainees benefit from effective access to the protection guaranteed by EU law, national legislation, and CBA. EU action based on harmonisation of quality standards for traineeships would provide substantial added value, particularly in MSs lacking (adequate)regulatory frameworks for traineeships. 

In our attached position we further elaborate on the diversification of responsibilities among different actors in the traineeship process, as the Directive can not rely only on enforcement of existing measures.

Together with my colleague, Lucie Susova, ETUC Advisor on the topic ([email protected]) we would be to exchange on  important file further.

 Kind regards, 

Tea Jarc
Confederal Secretary