• 23.02.2021 Document

    Joint statement - Over half a million people across the globe tell the EU to hold business accountable

    Over half a million people around the globe have demanded a strong EU law to hold corporations accountable for their impact on human rights, including trade union and workers’ rights, and the environment. These demands were made as part of the public consultation launched by the European Commission to get the input of citizens and organisations on the new EU legislation on corporate accountability that is due to be published in June 2021.
  • 23.02.2021 Document

    Ahead of EU Industry Days, ETUC calls for an ambitious Industrial Strategy for Europe with workers at its core

    This week, the European Commission organizes a series of virtual events for EU Industry Days 2021. ETUC takes this opportunity to remind policy makers about the crucial importance of EU industry for European prosperity and highlight its key recommendations ahead of the publication of the revised New Industrial Strategy for Europe, expected in  mid-March.  
  • 12.02.2021 Document

    ETUC statement on the situation in Russia

    The ETUC is deeply worried about the deterioration of the relationship between Russia and the EU and firmly condemns the expulsion by the Moscow authorities of three EU diplomats from Germany, Poland and Sweden, after they expressed concerns for the state of human rights in the country. The ETUC doesn't interfere in internal political affairs of foreign countries, but shall not refrain from denouncing any situation of violation of human and democratic rights, wherever it happens.
  • 11.02.2021 Document

    European trade unions urge EU to implement Ukraine commitments

    Ukraine flag
    Trade unions from across Europe (including the European Trade Union Confederation and unions in Ukraine) are urging the European Union to implement the commitments to social justice made under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, when the Association Council meets in Brussels today (Thursday). The meeting will focus on several areas including  political reforms, rule of law and security, economic cooperation and trade, as well as the EU immediate assistance to the country in view of the COVID19 challenge.
  • 27.01.2021 Document

    Holocaust Memorial Day

    ETUC remembers and honours the victims of the Holocaust. We reaffirm our opposition to antisemitism, racism and all forms of intolerance that can lead to targeting people with violence. We reaffirm our total opposition to Nazism and Fascism. We recall that among its first victims were many trade unionists. We remember that the first Nazi concentration camps were built to imprison political opponents. We reiterate our opposition to misogyny and homophobia.
  • 16.12.2020 Document

    ETUC Statement for International Migrants Day

    To mark International Migrants Day on 18 December, ETUC honours and thanks all workers, migrant and local, who continue to risk their lives to provide essential services and keep vital sections of the economy going through the COVID19 pandemic. 13% of key workers in essential jobs in the EU are migrants. Up to 1/3 domestic and care workers, & labourers in construction & mining, all key workers, are foreign born.
  • 09.12.2020 Document

    ETUC supports Belgian trade unionists condemned for using right to strike

    ETUC Statement adopted at Executive Committee in their meeting 9th December 2020 in support of the FGTB/ABVV trade union leaders and activists condemned for exercising their rights to collective action ETUC is gravely concerned by the recent condemnations of FGTB/ABVV leaders and activists by the criminal courts in Belgium for exercising their fundamental right to take collective action in defense of the rights and interests of the workers they represent.