ETUC Position on the European Commission Communication 'Tackling the pay gap between men and women' Brussels, June 2008
ETUC Position on the first stage consultation of the social partners on the review of Directive 86/613/EEC Brussels, April 2008
'Reforming the budget, changing Europe' – Public consultation in view of the 2008/2009 budget review (Sec (2007) 1188 final) Brussels, 04-05/03/2008
Joint declaration on the EU climate change and energy package with a view to employment Brussels, 04/04/2008
ETUC position on the proposal for a regulation aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from new passenger cars (COM(2007)856) Brussels, 04-05/03/2008
Spring Summit 2008 / ETUC, EEB and Social Platform open letter to head of state and of government on social and sustainable development and the energy/climate package Brussels, 28/02/2008