Working Time Reduction in Europe : Who and How? 17-18 October in Brussels

17-18 October 2024

Mundo Madou

Avenue des Arts 7/8
1210 Brussels

Active language


Brussels, 4 July 2024

To: Members of the Collective Bargaining and Wage Coordination Committee

The European Work-Time Network is hosting its 2024 conference on 17th and 18th October at Mundo Madou in Brussels.

We will have five panel discussions on various topics relating to the practical implementation of working time reduction in Europe, with speakers from trade unions, universities, campaigns and political organisations.

The conference is being funded by the Alex Ferry Foundation. Live interpretation is being provided by EPSU, and registrations are being hosted by the ETUC.


Please see the agenda for the event here:

The overall conference will take place at these times:
17th October: 11.30pm - 5.00pm, followed by an optional evening dinner
18th October: 9.30am - 1.45pm

There will be a private event for the Network’s members from 1.45pm on the 18th October.

Venue address: Av. des Arts 7/8, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium

Hotel address: Rue Royale 120, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

(If you need accommodation, we are encouraging attendees to stay at the MotelOne Hotel in Brussels.)