Focus: Economic and social crisis

As the economic landscape is deteriorating fast with the crisis hitting countries worldwide, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has established a specific section focusing on the economic and social crisis. It highlights the early warnings that the European trade union movement has issued regarding the risks inherent to financial capitalism, as well as the positions and actions proposed by ETUC to prevent the recession from deepening further.

To provide an overview of trade union actions, demands and resolutions in relation to financial capitalism and the now deepening global recession, ETUC has compiled a dossier on the

- Economic and social crisis: ETUC positions and actions

ETUC campaign to fight the crisis

Workers, through no fault of their own, are paying a very high price for the reckless and greedy excesses of the business world and the banks in particular. With unemployment rising fast, precarious work and poverty spreading, purchasing power falling, as well as public debt increasing, ETUC is on the offensive for a New Social Deal in Europe:

- Fight the crisis: put people first

- Euro-demonstrations 14-16 May: Practical information

- Euro-demonstration 29 September 2010 :"No to austerity – Priority for jobs and growth! " ( Practical information)

- The European Trade Union Confederation continues protesting against austerity

- European Summit 24 March: ETUC organizes a European Trade Union Rally

- 9th April 2011 Budapest : Euro-demonstration "No to Austerity, for Social Europe, for Fair Pay and for Jobs"

- 21 June 2011 Luxembourg City: Euro-demonstration - Action and Information Day in Europe

- 17 September 2011 in Wroclaw: Euro-demonstration - "Yes to European Solidarity - Yes to jobs and Workers’ rights - No to Austerity "

- 29 February 2012: Decentralised European day of action

- 23 May 2012 Brussels: European Trade Union Assembly in the Schuman district at 5 pm

- 14 November 2012 European Day of Action and Solidarity

- 14 March 2013 – European Trade Union action

- Social Compact for Europe


- Why the ETUC is against bonuses

- No to Austerity

Mid term Conference Dublin 5-6 June 2013 - High Noon for Social Europe

On 5 and 6 June, trade union leaders from across Europe will gather in Dublin for Mid-term conference “High noon for social Europe” organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). This major event - which will be accessible to the press - will focus on the need of a strong social Europe for workers and citizens.

High-level conference - ETUC 40th anniversary #ETUC40 - Celebrating the past looking to the future

At the conference the following issues will be discussed : the social dimension of Europe and how we could crystallise it. The Economic governance will also be debate - considering that it does not deliver sustainable growth and employment, what needs to be done? Finally, a discussion on Democracy, what should be the role of citizens, workers and their unions within a genuine economic and monetary union?

ETUC Paris Declaration

At its Mid-term conference in Paris on 27-28 May 2009, ETUC and its affiliated member organisations endorsed the Paris Declaration (also available in German) aimed at fighting the crisis - and winning the aftermath.

Further information

- ETUC economic reports and discussion notes

- Resolutions

- Press releases

- Speeches

- Towards a New Social Deal in Europe

- ETUC Declaration to the European Spring Summit of March 2009