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27.09.2024 Document

Letter from the European Trade Union Confederation following the announcement of the proposed college of Commissioners

Dear Commission President Ursula von der Leyen,I am contacting you following the announcement of the list of Commissioners designate and the publication of their proposed portfolios and mission letters. The European Trade Union Confederation is very concerned that – for the first time since the Seventies – there is not a member of the college of Commissioners whose title refers specifically to Labour and Social Affairs (or to “Jobs and Social Rights”).
27.09.2024 Document

International Day for Older Persons - Joint ETUC and FERPA statement

On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons on 1st October 2024, the European Federation of Retired and Elderly People (FERPA) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) wish to recall and underline the role and place of retired people in Europe. Pensioners and older people are still excluded from all decision-making processes that affect their living conditions and social rights. Their consultation, recommended by the UN and UNECE, is still far from being applied.
25.09.2024 Document

Message of the ETUC in view of the mobilisation of the Italian trade unions on the ‘DDL Sicurezza’

The European trade union movement expresses its deep concerns and opposition to the Italian Government’s plans to restrict the right to peaceful protest, a pillar of any democratic society. Article 12 of the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights states clearly that “everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly”. The Italian Government’s plans to criminalise dissent would clearly be a violation of the Charter, as well as Italy’s own Constitution.
09.08.2024 Document

Statement: Labour delivers important first step to protecting right to strike

Labour delivers important first step to protecting right to strike
The ETUC congratulates the TUC and their affiliated trade unions on an important union victory for workers in Britain and throughout Europe. We welcome the commitment by the UK government that the anti-worker anti-strike Minimum Service Levels legislation will be repealed through the upcoming Employment Rights Bill. This legislation represented an attack on the ability of workers to win a decent, secure and dignified working life.
See what happened at the latest Congress