• 05.07.2012 Press release

    "Stop attacks against trade unions in Turkey", demand European and international trade unions

    Brussels, 05/07/2012 The increasing repression against trade unionists, journalists, civil rights activists, students and defenders of women’s rights has led us to join the solidarity rally to be held on Friday, 6 July at noon, in front of the building of the Turkish delegation to the European Union (Avenue des Arts 36-38) in Brussels. European trade union leaders will speak about the situation of trade unionists in Turkey in general during this demonstration.
  • 29.06.2012 Press release

    European Summit: advances which will not guarantee an end to the crisis

    Brussels, 29/06/2012 The European summit, which has just ended in Brussels, took place in an extremely serious economic context. Admittedly, urgent measures have been taken to relieve the pressure on Spanish and Italian debt - the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) will support the banks to ease the pressure on sovereign debt. However, the ETUC is not convinced that these measures are adequate to meet the challenges to which the EU must respond in order to regain the confidence of citizens and workers.
  • 28.06.2012 Press release

    ETUC uses platform in Copenhagen to call strongly for a new European health and safety strategy

    Brussels, 28/06/2012 In preparing the official evaluation, the Commission’s consultants have drawn attention to the need for a new EU strategy, but thus far the Commission have completely ignored the fundamental role of labour inspectorates, safety representatives and prevention services. For the trade union movement, and as demonstrated in recent studies [[http://www.etui.org/Publications2/Reports/The-impact-of-safety-representatives-on-occupational-health]], these systems are a determining factor in successful occupational safety and health practices.
  • 27.06.2012 Press release

    Solidarity and fairness are a requisite for saving the EU

    Brussels, 27/06/2012 Three years of austerity and competitive deregulation have resulted in economic stagnation, rocketing unemployment, rising inequalities and social despair. Europe is caught in an austerity/depression cycle and this explosive cocktail is leading Europe to a point of no return. To save the single currency, to save the project of European integration, the Council will have to take a major leap forward. For the ETUC, this major leap forward must be based on a Social Compact: To save Europe, we urgently need to save the people.
  • 26.06.2012 Press release

    European trade unions condemn the signing of the EU-Colombia/Peru Free Trade Agreement

    Brussels, 26/06/2012 In Colombia, union leaders and labour activists continue to be assassinated, threatened, and intimidated, and the perpetrators enjoy almost complete impunity. The appalling levels of violence negate in reality any promises for the free exercise of fundamental labour rights, including freedom of association. Tangible positive outcomes that allow unions to carry out their normal activities are needed so that the EU can conduct trade in line with its treaty obligations in respect of human rights.
  • 26.06.2012 Press release

    ETUC and industriAll Europe call on their members to act as REACH ambassadors in companies

    Brussels, 26/06/2012 The ETUC and IndustriAll are launching another extensive information campaign aimed at companies that market or use chemicals. The new campaign will kick off at the 8th annual trade union conference on chemicals and workers’ protection (26-27 June, Brussels) in the presence of delegates from across Europe. The two European unions plan to draw on all their member organisations and their thousands of elected representatives in companies all-over Europe to raise awareness about employers’ obligations under the REACH regulation.
  • 19.06.2012 Press release

    ETUC demands EU action on musculoskeletal disorders

    Brussels, 19/06/2012 The European Commission has been preparing a comprehensive directive on musculoskeletal disorders almost ten years now. On several occasions the European Parliament has expressed its wish for a rapid conclusion to this exercise. “A global Community legislation on musculoskeletal risks would represent added value for the Member States and boost prevention policies in a more effective manner” said Judith Kirton-Darling, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC.
  • 06.06.2012 Press release

    The European trade union proposes a Social Compact for Europe

    Brussels, 06/06/2012 The European social model should be promoted, not attacked. As much as fundamental rights, wages also contribute to getting out of the crisis, whereas deregulation has contributed to an increase in unemployment and widened inequality to the point of creating an untenable economic but also political situation.
  • 16.05.2012 Press release

    Interns should not be regarded as employees who work for a pittance!

    Brussels, 16/05/2012 The youth unemployment rate is twice as high as the average. For two thirds of young Europeans, ‘employment’ equals fixed-term contracts, part-time employment imposed rather than chosen, temping, seasonal or undeclared work. The general rise of job insecurity in Europe affects young people in particular, who are often considered as labour that is available at a pittance.
  • 16.05.2012 Press release

    ETUC, ETUCE and ILGA-Europe commit to work jointly to combat homophobic bullying in schools, in workplaces and in society

    Brussels, 16/05/2012 As democratic representative organisations, trade unions play a special role in society and contribute effectively to the development of many aspects of society, including education. Trade unions should continue to be at the forefront in tackling any forms of discrimination, at the workplace and in all their actions and activities. Good practices have already been initiated at national level by many public authorities, civil society organisations and trade unions. Let’s share them and expand them!