• 23.07.2018 Press release

    ETUC condemns potential extremist attacks on European democracy

    The European Trade Union Confederation is gravely concerned by reports that far-right forces in the US, led by discredited former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, are planning to disrupt the 2019 European elections and work to destroy European integration. Said ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini: “We deplore any attempt to undermine European democracy, in particular coming from outsiders who have no interest in the welfare of European countries and their peoples.
  • 29.06.2018 Press release

    EU squabbles over migration while 100 more drown

    Source AFP
    With news of another 100 refugees drowned in the Mediterranean off the coast of Libya, and claims that a rescue ship was unable to assist because Malta will not let it enter port to refuel, coming just a day after the EU Summit that emphasised border control and preventing “illegal crossings”, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said “The Mediterranean is becoming a mass grave while EU leaders are scoring points to take home instead of finding real solutions.
  • 27.06.2018 Press release

    500 Movers and shakers meet to discuss how to manage the future world of work

    Four global mega trends that are radically changing the world of work – decarbonisation, digitalisation, globalisation and demographic change - cannot simply be left to the market and will bring changes that need to be anticipated and managed together, warn the European Trade Union Confederation and Institute (ETUC and ETUI).
  • 27.06.2018 Press release

    Union and business leaders issue joint appeal for urgent progress in Brexit negotiations

    Joint logos
    Ahead of this week’s European Council meeting, the Directors General of BusinessEurope and the CBI, Markus Beyrer and Carolyn Fairbairn, and the General Secretaries of the ETUC and the TUC, Luca Visentini and Frances O’Grady have issued an unprecedented joint statement urging faster progress. The organisations, which together represent 45 million workers and 20 million employers across Europe, met for the first time in London on 15 June to discuss Brexit.
  • 21.06.2018 Press release

    Progress on Work/Life Balance and Working Conditions Directives

    Work Life Balance
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes the progress made by EU Employment Ministers today towards adopting the ‘Work Life Balance’ and the ‘Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions’ Directives. Ministers meeting today in the Employment Council agreed a ‘general approach’ on both Directives – enabling discussions in ‘trilogue’ as soon as the European Parliament adopts its position. “Today the EU has taken a small step towards making the lives of working people across Europe a little better” said Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary.
  • 21.06.2018 Press release

    Stand up for the social pillar - an alliance of social economy enterprises, trade unions and civil society organisations

    A new group has been set up to encourage Governments and EU institutions to fully implement the European Pillar of Social Rights. The group ‘Stand Up for the Social Pillar’ brings together social economy enterprises and organisations including cooperatives active in industry and services, trade unions, pro-European organisations and social NGOs, and has as its mission to
  • 19.06.2018 Press release

    National UPdates n°9 - June 2018

    Dear readers, Welcome to the summer 2018 edition of Workers’ Voice National UPdates, showing how trade unions in different countries are taking a constructive role in promoting social progress and justice in Europe, in collaboration with employers, governments and civil society organisations. To coincide with the ETUI-ETUC conference on ‘The worlds of work in transition’, this newsletter highlights examples of how unions are involved in organising workers and improving conditions in Europe’s new digital industries.
  • 19.06.2018 Press release

    EPSCO Council: Make the European Pillar of Social Rights real

    ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini has written to all Employment Ministers urging them not to dilute the Commission proposals and “adopt a meaningful general approach” on the 2 Directives up for discussion at the EPSCO Council on Thursday. The letter states that the Directives on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions and Work Life Balance are both “crucial to working people across Europe and their trade unions.”
  • 11.06.2018 Press release

    ETUC condemns Italy & praises Spain over rescue ship

    Saved at sea by Acquarius
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) condemns the violation of human rights and international law by the Italian Government, welcomes the humanity of the Spanish Government and criticises the lack of action by the European Union and its member states over the sorry saga of the rescue ship Acquarius and its 629 people on board.
  • 30.05.2018 Press release

    ETUC to fight double cut in EU social spending

    EU Budget (Source: European Commission)
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) will oppose a potential double cut in European Social Fund (ESF) spending in the EU budget  2021-2027. The European Commission’s ESF proposals published today, its Cohesion Policy proposals published yesterday and the overall EU budget 2021-2027 proposals, include