• 24.06.2016 Press release

    European Summit - What trade unions expect

    European Council
    UK referendum The ETUC calls for Brexit vote to be a wake-up call to the EU to offer workers a better deal. Specifically, the ETUC calls for decisive action to  ensure this is not the start of the break-up of the European Union, and does not damage jobs and workers’ rights. tackle working people’s deep discontent in the EU by creating a fairer and more equal society, investing in quality jobs, good public services and real opportunities for young people. Migration The ETUC calls for
  • 24.06.2016 Press release

    Brexit vote - EU must take action to improve workers' lives

    Commenting on the results of the UK referendum on EU membership, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said “This is a dark day for Europe, for the UK and for workers. It must be a wake-up call for the EU to offer a better deal for workers.
  • 21.06.2016 Press release

    ETUC calls on Council to end EU-Turkey agreement

    The European Trade Union Confederation has called for the immediate suspension of the EU-Turkey Agreement on refugees following the fatal shooting by Turkish border guards of children, women and men trying to escape Syria, and amid reports from human rights organisations that over 60 Syrian refugees have been shot at the border this year. Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary, said “International law requires nations to offer shelter to refugees. It seems that today’s EU does not care about international law, or indeed about human life.”
  • 17.06.2016 Press release

    National Productivity Boards, tax avoidance and FTT: top issues for today's ECOFIN meeting

    The Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) – taking place today in Luxembourg – will focus on key issues for the European trade union movement, as Ministers will endorse the establishment of National Productivity Boards (NPB), agree on new legislation on corporate tax avoidance and discuss the introduction of a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT).
  • 15.06.2016 Press release

    Trade unionists unite in Rome for refugees' rights

    A high-level conference took place in Rome today, organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) with the support of the three Italian unions CGIL, CISL and UIL, and attended by trade unionists from 22 countries including the General Secretaries of CGT France Philippe Martinez, CCOO Spain Ignazio Toxo and ETUC President  Rudy De Leeuw of FGTB Belgium.  They underlined trade union support for a humanitarian and European response to the many men, women and children seeking shelter from conflict in the EU. 
  • 14.06.2016 Press release

    ETUC salutes Journalist Union of Turkey for press freedom award

    TGS source
    ETUC Deputy General Secretary Peter Scherrer will present the prestigious Silver Rose Press Freedom Award to Uğur Güç, President of the Journalist Union of Turkey (TGS), in a ceremony in the European Parliament today. The award is made annually by SOLIDAR, the European network of 60 Civil Society Organisations working for social justice worldwide. This year’s winner is a distinctively political choice supporting jailed journalists and promoting solidarity between journalists in Turkey and abroad.
  • 14.06.2016 Press release

    Employment growth welcome, but ETUC calls for quality jobs

    Today’s EU employment figures for the first quarter of 2016, issued by Eurostat, show a very slight improvement over the last three months of 2015. The number of people in work increased by 0.3% in the euro area and the EU28.
  • 13.06.2016 Press release

    ETUC signs the Joint Initiative on Standardisation

    At a high-level conference on standardisation in Amsterdam today, the European Trade Union Confederation, the European Commission and other stakeholders signed a joint initiative on standardisation. The event took place within the Commission’s Single Market Forum.
  • 10.06.2016 Press release

    OECD for investment, higher wages and debt flexibility

    The OECD’s latest forecast for 2016, issued today, highlights Europe’s continuing high unemployment, low demand, low inflation and low investment, and acknowledges the need for wage increases and more public investment in surplus countries. Veronica Nilsson, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, commented “Like the ETUC, the OECD understands that more public spending and higher wages are needed to drive demand and economic growth.”
  • 10.06.2016 Press release

    Skills Agenda: ETUC welcomes Skills Guarantee

    Commenting on the Skills Agenda launched today by the European Commission, Thiébaut Weber, ETUC Confederal Secretary, said “Europe needs a big push to support workers to increase their skills, and to cope with the transition to a digital, carbon-free and ageing society.” “The Skills Agenda is a useful step forward and the proposal for a Skills Guarantee, which was an ETUC demand, is very positive.”
  • 10.06.2016 Speech

    2nd IndustriAll-Europe Congress - Speech by Luca Visentini

    Industri-All Europe Congress
    Speech by Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary, at 2nd IndustriAll-Europe Congress  Madrid, 7-9 June 2016   Dear comrades and friends of IndustriAll Europe, I’m very honoured to participate in your congress today, and to bring you greetings and solidarity from the European Trade Union Confederation. Europe is facing a very challenging time.