• 10.06.2016 Speech

    2nd IndustriAll-Europe Congress - Speech by Luca Visentini

    Industri-All Europe Congress
    Speech by Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary, at 2nd IndustriAll-Europe Congress  Madrid, 7-9 June 2016   Dear comrades and friends of IndustriAll Europe, I’m very honoured to participate in your congress today, and to bring you greetings and solidarity from the European Trade Union Confederation. Europe is facing a very challenging time.
  • 09.06.2016 Press release

    EU must actively shape digitalisation

    The European Union must shape the digitalisation of Europe’s economy and society much more actively, with policy initiatives to avoid massive job losses and ensure the creation of quality jobs and decent working conditions, said the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). A resolution, adopted by national and European trade union leaders gathered in Brussels today, calls for
  • 06.06.2016 Press release

    EU Skills Agenda – the big questions

    Tomorrow European Commissioner Marianne Thyssen will unveil proposals for an EU Skills Agenda in the European Parliament, with a press conference later in the week. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) believes that an ambitious agenda with concrete actions is essential: to upgrade skills to enable people seeking work to get jobs, for workers to remain employed and to move to better jobs, and to enable the European economy to meet the many challenges ahead.
  • 03.06.2016 Speech

    Speech of Luca Visentini at the ILO International Labour Conference, 3 June 2016

    Luca Visentini – speech for ILO International Labour Conference 3 June 2016 Check against delivery We, the European trade union movement, welcome the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the ILO’s ‘End to Poverty’ Initiative. We welcome the ILO initiative on the Future of Work and the ILO action on Supply Chains. End poverty & hunger, combat inequality, build just and inclusive societies, gender equality, the protection of our planet’s natural resources.
  • 02.06.2016 Press release

    Social partners' shared vision on apprenticeships

    As part of the EU Social Dialogue programme, European social partners have undertaken separate projects on apprenticeships focusing on the cost-effectiveness of apprenticeship schemes (employers) and a European quality framework for apprenticeships (trade unions). The project outcomes were presented in a joint conference on 26-27 May in Brussels.
  • 30.05.2016 Press release

    ILO Conference: ITUC and ETUC Call for Support for Refugees

    ETUC source
    As the annual conference of the International Labour Organisation starts this week in Geneva, the ITUC and the European Trade Union Confederation are calling on governments to support the right to safe haven and work for all refugees, as the world faces the greatest flow of refugees in 70 years.
  • 26.05.2016 Press release

    Beware the "innovation principle"

    The Competitiveness Council on 26-27 May 2016 will discuss adopting an "innovation principle" for EU law-making. This would require the Commission to investigate the potential effect of legislation on research and innovation, during the “impact assessment" phase of the legislative process, before it is submitted to the Parliament and Council for democratic debate. This harmless-sounding clause has been strongly lobbied for by several corporate-led organisations.
  • 26.05.2016 Press release

    Trade unions back new undeclared work platform

    The launch of the European Commission’s ‘Undeclared Work Platform’ on Friday 27 May is a long overdue initiative to tackle the exploitation of workers and unfair competition for law-abiding employers says the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).  It is estimated that up to 20% of Europe’s GDP is in the ‘shadow economy’, and  11% of Europeans say they purchased goods or services involving undeclared work last year (in 2013).
  • 18.05.2016 Press release

    Economic package: Commission wrong on collective bargaining & minimum wages

    Commenting on today’s ‘economic package’ and ‘country specific recommendations’ from the European Commission, Veronica Nilsson, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said “The ETUC is encouraged by the slightly more flexible approach on budget deficits, by the greater emphasis on education and training, employment and fairer taxation than in previous years. It’s good that there are no new fines for excessive budgets although Portugal and Spain face new evaluations already in July.