• 02.10.2015 Press release

    European trade unions elect new leaders and adopt fresh policies

    Leaders of Europe’s national trade unions today elected Luca Visentini as new General Secretary, and Rudy de Leeuw as new President, of the European Trade Union Confederation.  They also adopted a new Manifesto and Action Programme 2015-19 ‘for quality jobs, workers’ rights and a fair society’. 
  • 01.10.2015 Press release

    Trade union leaders call for ambitious climate deal and climate justice for workers

    Today national trade union leaders from all over Europe showed their support for an ambitious climate deal at the UN Climate Change Conference and called for the deal to include a ‘Just Transition’ for workers.  For photos of today’s climate action see https://www.flickr.com/photos/etuc-ces/sets/72157658916317060 For video of the climate action see https://youtu.be/VndM8pyFSso
  • 25.09.2015 Press release

    European Trade Union Congress Kicks off tomorrow

    Tomorrow the European Trade Union Confederation Congress kicks off in Paris with the leaders of trade union organisations all over Europe, representing millions of workers from Lisbon to Helsinki, under one roof for the first time in four years. Media are welcome at Congress, and are particularly invited to
  • 21.09.2015 Press release

    European Trade Unions elect new leadership

    At its Congress in Paris, the European Trade Union movement will elect a new leadership team for the next four years, including a new President and General Secretary, two Deputy General Secretaries and four Confederal Secretaries. The candidates are Name Country  Candidate for post of Rudy De Leeuw Belgium President Luca Visentini Italy
  • 17.09.2015 Press release

    A lot more to be done for long-term unemployed

    Today the European Commission announced its initiative on getting the long-term unemployed back to work. The proposal for a Council Recommendation, presented by Commissioner Thyssen, suggests that all jobseekers, who have been out of work for more than 12 months, receive individual assessment and a job integration agreement. The ETUC supports its objective.
  • 15.09.2015 Press release

    New jobs - Boosted in Germany by minimum wage

    According to Eurostat today, employment in Europe and the Euro Area continues to expand with more than 400.000 jobs being added in the second quarter. “New jobs are welcome” said Józef Niemiec, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “But in many cases, the jobs created are of a questionable quality. In the UK, for example, the number of zero hour contracts has risen by 20% over the last year and the jobs created in Spain are mostly low paid, part time and temporary jobs.”
  • 15.09.2015 Press release

    Ministers play games while people die

    Source : EU Council
    Commenting on the outcome of the Home Affairs Ministers Council on the refugee crisis, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), said “The failure to take the necessary decisions is a disgrace. “The little that has been agreed is grossly inadequate. The next time the Ministers meet the humanitarian crisis is likely to be considerably worse. They are playing political games while people are crying out for help, while people are dying.