• 05.06.2015 Press release

    Humanitarian crisis in MED requires humanitarian EU response

    EU national Governments have a duty to deal collectively and responsibly with the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean – not only of people drowning at sea, but many thousands of desperate men, women and children taking any risk to reach refuge in the EU from poverty and conflict in African and the Middle East – said the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “The EU faces a humanitarian crisis of unknown dimensions” said Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the ETUC. “The EU’s response must be decisive and humanitarian.” 
  • 05.06.2015 Press release

    Montenegro - ETUC supports Marko Nikcevic

    Last night the car of the General Secretary of the Confederation of Trade unions of Montenegro (CTUM), Marko Nikcevic, was destroyed by a car bomb. Mr Nikcevic has been in office since November 2013 and has started a far-reaching reform of the union, including external audits. Massive financial abuse has been discovered and reported to the Prosecutor for Organised Crime.  In later March 2015 opponents of the CTUM leadership organized a putsch supported by the Ministry of Labour to oust Mr Nikcevic from office.
  • 04.06.2015 Press release

    Greece: EU needs to help, not inflict more pain!

    Commenting recent developments in creditors talks on Greece, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said: “Greece has suffered enough. The EU and the IMF should not impose further pain on Greek pensioners and workers. It is beginning to look like punishment for voting for an anti-austerity government.” “There needs to be a sensible compromise. Grinding the face of the Greek people into the dirt is not the way forward.”     
  • 01.06.2015 Press release

    Japanese and European trade unions unite on trade talks

    The ETUC and RENGO – the European and Japanese Trade Union Confederations - believe that the strategic partnership and free trade agreements being negotiated by Japan and the EU, could stimulate growth and create jobs in the EU and Japan. The trade union confederations are united in demanding that any partnership and/or trade agreement
  • 28.05.2015 Press release

    Partnership between CEN and ETUC will serve to strengthen representation of workers within the European Standardization System

    A Partnership Agreement between CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) will serve to strengthen the representation of workers within the European Standardization System. The agreement means that ETUC has the possibility to nominate representatives who will participate in the work of CEN Technical Bodies at European level. In this way, trade unions can directly contribute to the development of European Standards relating to the health and safety of workers, the delivery of services, and other issues of relevance to employees.
  • 19.05.2015 Press release

    Better regulation, or less democracy and more bureaucracy?

    Commenting on the ‘better regulation’ proposals published today, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said “I am in favour of efforts to improve legislation, but these proposals will make the legislative procedure longer, costlier and more bureaucratic.” “I do not think the European Commission will get away with restricting the right of democratically elected politicians to change legislative proposals in the name of ‘better regulation’.”
  • 13.05.2015 Press release

    Country Specific Recommendations 2015: EU needs to increase wages

    The European Commission’s Country Specific Recommendations for 2015, published today, show greater flexibility on budget deficits but is holding back growth by ignoring the need to increase wages, warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
  • 13.05.2015 Press release

    ETUC: EU countries must implement migrant relocation plan

    The EU must agree the rather limited migrant relocation plan proposed today by the European Commission, said the European Trade Union Confederation. Although limited to 20,000 people, and despite possible opt-outs for some EU member states, the scale of situation in the Mediterranean makes a relocation plan absolutely necessary.
  • 12.05.2015 Press release

    'Better regulation' – the big questions

    Tomorrow – Tuesday 19 May - European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans will launch his controversial ‘better regulation’ proposals. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) sets out the big questions it will be asking about ‘better regulation’: Will EU law apply equally to all? A basic principle of law is that it applies to all. Will the European Commission propose to exclude small businesses from some EU regulation?
  • 11.05.2015 Press release

    ETUC demands EU creditors to strike a balanced deal on Greece

    Source: EU Council
    EU Finance Ministers must compromise with Greece to avoid renewed financial market speculation against the Euro and against the national debt of other Eurozone countries warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “By playing hardball with Greece, EU Ministers risk triggering renewed financial market turmoil for the Euro and for Eurozone countries national debt” said Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the ETUC “as well as dragging the Greek economy down.”
  • 05.05.2015 Press release

    Hungarian Government must stop criminalisation of migrants, says ETUC

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is extremely worried by the so-called ‘national consultation about immigration and terrorism’ recently launched by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The letter launching the consultation and the attached questionnaire is a perverse attempt to criminalise migrants and fuel populism by making a clear and direct connection between migration and terrorism. Wrong assumptions can only lead to bad policies and are surely not in the interests of Hungarian citizens.