Get out the vote

It is through our struggles at the workplace, in the streets and at the ballot box that we have won the freedom of the weekend, of a paid holiday, the freedom to take a stand for what is right.

It’s time to get out to vote to protect our freedoms.

As we enter the decisive last few days ahead of the EU elections, here are some ways you can help get out the vote for a fair deal for workers.

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Get out the vote toolkit

This toolkit provides simple and easy-to-use tools for trade union members and supporters to give visibility to what they prioritise in this election. 

The ETUC has produced the following logo:

An editable version (in Canva) of the logo is available to be adapted by affiliates. It is possible to personalise by changing the text, logo and colours if needed.

In addition, you can find animated versions of the logo in EnglishFrench and German. You can also add this animation as sticker to your Instagram Story, by searching for ‘@etucmedia’ in the sticker search box.

Print-at-home versions are provided in English. This document can be directly printed on Ø 40mm round paper sticker paper, like this

Election time