The Arab Spring needs all possible measures of support

Brussels, 11/03/2011

In a letter to Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security policy, today, the ETUC expressed deep hopes for moves towards democracy in countries in Europe’s Southern neighbourhood at the same time as extreme concerns at the use of state violence against the people, particularly in Libya. The ETUC Executive Committee earlier this week adopted a Resolution on developments throughout the region. For the European trade union movement, massive unemployment among young people is a central issue that Europe must help resolve, responding to the needs expressed by the peoples concerned. The ETUC confirms its support for initiatives that the European Commission is undertaking in the area of social dialogue and reaffirms its request that European External Action Service (EEAS) delegations should include deep expertise in labour and social affairs.

This Arab Spring is a wakeup call and a lesson for Europe. Europe should not export lessons but offer partnership and support predicated on the respect of universally recognised human and trade union rights, including the protection of minorities” said John Monks, ETUC General Secretary.

- Link to the letter:

- Link to the resolution: