Euro-Demonstration on 9 April in Budapest : European trade unions mobilise for social progress

Brussels, 07/03/2011

Many social protest movements have taken place recently in Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Latvia, etc.) to express the anger of workers against austerity measures and to demand social justice .

In fact, The policies implemented by the European authorities and the national governments to deal with the ravages of the crisis are essentially based on austerity measures and fiscal consolidation plans that consist of sharp cuts in public spending, pressure exerted to reduce wages and to interfere with the independence of collective bargaining. These social regression measures are taken whilst scandalous bonuses continue to be paid.

The European trade unions are against these policy choices and have stated on many occasions that alternative choices were possible. This is why they will make their voice heard in the streets of Budapest on 9 April, because governing Europe does not mean social regression.

- Manifesto :

- For more info:

Videos of the Euro-demonstration

Pictures of the Euro-demonstration

Pictures of the press conference announcing the Euro-demonstration

John Monks' speech at the press conference