Euro-demonstration for more European solidarity and employment - Wroclaw, 17 September 2011

Brussels, 25/08/2011

In the face of the turmoil disrupting the European economy and amplifying unemployment and the insecurity of work for millions of Europeans, European solidarity is necessary and urgent.

ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol commented: "Now is the time to demonstrate real European leadership and to take the right decisions to bring about a change of course. This summer was fraught with dangers. The crisis raged on financial markets. The European plans announced to save the euro zone failed to convince markets. Many countries find themselves exposed. After two years of devastating crisis, European leaders must make the choice of solidarity and not leave financial markets and ratings agencies in command. A retreat to nationalism would be disastrous."

"For the ETUC, the pooling of risks (Eurobonds) would offer new prospects. We must avoid a break-up of the euro zone, which would spark a serious social crisis. Economic governance must have the goal of improving employment and living conditions. Austerity plans have failed. The European trade unions will march in the streets of Wroclaw on 17 September to say that other choices have to be made and that we have to agree on European economic governance centred on solidarity and employment."

- For more information on the Euro-demonstration on 17 September: