The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) urges the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament to adopt today the compromise package proposed by the co-rapporteurs. If adopted today and confirmed by the plenary next week, this package will become the official mandate for the European Parliament to negotiate with Council during “trilogue” discussions.
The ETUC has long been calling on MEPs for a revision to ensure posted workers receive equal pay or the same work in the same place as a local worker.
Positive elements in the compromise package includes:
- a double legal base (to ensure the Directive is judged in future court cases not only as a tool for companies, but also an instrument to protect employees)
- equal pay as fixed by the host Member State
- payment of allowances in accordance with host country rules; such allowances should not be deducted from the salary
- respect for all types of collective agreements
- clarification of the rules for temporary work agencies
Some elements will have to be further improved during trilogue, such as the 24 months renewable maximum time limit for posting.
In contrast to the proposed compromise package of the European Parliament, the developments in Council are very worrying and are likely to lead to a compromise of low ambition, which would bring workers little concrete improvement.
“We count on the European Parliament to defend workers’ rights and fair mobility in the single market with a strong and ambitious mandate” said Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary “failure to do so would put at risk the chances of success of this revision.”
“Any time limit beyond 6 months will benefit very few posted workers. Posting is a temporary arrangement but even upon the expiration of the time limit, the worker should enjoy similar rights in the host country to mobile workers”.
The ETUC urges the European Parliament to separate the revision of the Posting of Workers Directive from the mobility package in the road transport. “Working conditions in the transport sector are very complex and demand a separate debate” added Liina Carr.