On the road to Decent Work - The bicycle "ride" to promote Decent Work throughout is about to start

Brussels, 29/04/2013

The “ride”, which will cover France, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan, aims at promoting Decent Work throughout Europe and at raising attention on the issues that are of vital importance to all citizens and workers.

On behalf of trade union organisations all over Europe covered by the PERC and the ETUC, may I express our support and best wishes to the participants in the Brest – Baku bicycle “ride”.This is a welcome initiative highlighting our joint aim of achieving proper working conditions for all, in line with the objectives of the International Labour Organisation, that is made even more necessary in the face of the unfair and counterproductive burdens forced on European workers by current austerity policies” said Bernadette Ségol ETUC and PERC General Secretary.

Press release
In Trade