Social and sustainable development must guide EU policy, ETUC, EEB and Social Platform tell European leaders

Brussels, 03/03/2008

Fighting climate change and energy security are political priorities for Europe. The ETUC, EEB and Social Platform call on the European Council to respect the key principles of the EU 2006 strategy for sustainable development and in particular social equity and social cohesion, the precautionary principle and involvement of citizens, businesses and workers' organisations (see editor’s note).

Well designed climate and energy policies have the potential to reduce energy poverty and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, but Member States must prioritise energy efficiency investments for low-income households and offer good quality work and training programmes to make the most of fresh market opportunities. To this effect the ETUC, EEB and Social Platform put forward proposals for a European Finance Plan for sustainable growth (see editor’s note).

We welcome the proposed energy and climate proposals as a good starting point for enhancing the EU's continuing global environmental leadership,” declared EEB Secretary General John Hontelez. “However, the 20% target for reducing emissions is insufficient. Industrialised countries will need cuts of between 25% and 40% by 2020 to halt dramatic global warming.”

Said ETUC General Secretary John Monks: “The European Council must respond decisively if other industrialised countries refuse to join the fight against climate change, and it must take steps to protect EU-based industry from unfair competition. We therefore support the adoption of border tax adjustments.”

Rising energy prices must not be allowed to threaten social cohesion and social inclusion,” added Social Platform President Fintan Farrell. “Universal and affordable access to basic energy supply must be offered to everyone living in Europe. Investment in public transport and in green social housing must play a key role in decreasing energy consumption and at the same time promote people’s well being and reinforce local communities.”

- Joint declaration

Editor’s notes

- EU sustainable development strategy

In 2006 the EU has adopted a renewed sustainable development strategy.

The key objectives set up in this strategy are environmental protection, social equity and cohesion, economic prosperity and meeting our international responsibilities.

The policy guiding principles are promotion and protection of fundamental rights, solidarity within and between generations, open and democratic society, involvement of citizens, involvement of businesses and social partners, policy coherence and governance, use of best available knowledge, precautionary principle and make polluters pay.

- Proposal for a European finance plan for sustainable growth initiative.

For the ETUC, EEB and Social Platform this plan should include:
- The adoption by EU governments of the related Commission proposals to facilitate environmentally sound investments;
- The allocation of substantial parts of the revenues generated by the auctioning of emission rights to support jobs creation and prevent fuel poverty;
- An initiative by the European Investment bank (EIB) to mobilise capital - up to 1% of European GDP - to lend to EU governments investing in sustainable priorities (i.e. renewable energy production, energy efficiency including combined heat-power production and social energy saving programmes).

More information:
Patricia Grillo
Tel: + 32 (0)2 224 04 30 – GSM: + 32 (0)477 77 01 64
E-mail: [email protected]

Daniela Vincenti-Mitchener
Social Platform
Tel: + 32 (0)2 508 1632 – Mobile: +32 (0)497 412095
Email: [email protected]

John Hontelez
European Environmental Bureau
Tel: + 32(0)2 289 1090
Email: [email protected]