Over 400 trade union leaders from all over Europe at the ETUC Mid-term Conference in Rome today agreed that "this is the moment for trade unions to be more active than ever in efforts to manage globalisation, digitalisation and climate action to ensure that working people are not left on the scrap heap".
The trade unionists noted that "the reversal in the rise of anti-European and anti-foreigner forces in some recent elections, and an emerging political debate about more worker-friendly policies, offer some encouragement" ten years after the financial crisis of 2007-8.
In a statement adopted at the ETUC Mid-term Conference, unions agreed to act together for
• Investment for sustainable growth and quality job creation;
• Just transition towards a low-carbon economy, sustainable digitalisation and automation;
• Pay rises and upward wage convergence;
• A strong European Pillar of Social Rights and ambitious legislation for work-life balance;
• Fair mobility and migration to fight social and wage dumping.
ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said: "We have the best opportunity for ten years to achieve progressive change for working people. We must seize the chance."