A well-functioning European insolvency framework with a focus on preventive restructuring is not only essential to safeguard employment and workers’ interests, but also to support economic growth and cross-border investment. With this context in mind, it is important for the European Trade Union movement to analyse the impact the new EU directive may have on European workers’ rights as well as to clarify the scope for national implementation.
- Strengthening Workers'Voices in case of Insolvencies - ETUC Report Renforcer la voix des travailleurs dans le cas d'insolvabilité - Rapport de la CES Guidelines and recommendations “Insolvencies" (DE) Guidelines and recommendations “Insolvencies" (EN) Guidelines and recommendations “Insolvencies" (ES) Guidelines and recommendations “Insolvencies" (FR) Guidelines and recommendations “Insolvencies" (IT) Guidelines and recommendations “Insolvencies" (PL)