• 13.10.2016 Publication

    Defending undocumented workers - Means defending all workers

    On International Migrants Day, the ETUC wishes to express its solidarity and support for undocumented migrants. Too often, sans papiers suffer the humiliating and degrading experience of being excluded from society, on top of inhumane working conditions. 
  • 10.07.2016 Publication

    Building an enabling environment for voluntary and autonomous negotiations at transnational level between trade unions and multinational companies

    This document is the final report of the ETUC project on "Building an enabling environment for voluntary and autonomous negotiations at transnational level between trade unions and multinational companies" and was attached to the ETUC Resolution "Roadmap on Transnational Company Agreements: Progressing towards an Optional Legal Framework". It is available in EN, FR, DE, IT, ES and PL.
  • 14.06.2016 Publication

    The European trade union movement demands humane assistance and rights for refugees

    Today, the EU’s basic humanitarian values are challenged by the arrival of hundreds of thousands of asylum-seekers. More than 80% of them are fleeing violence and conflict in countries like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Some 20% are women and one-third children. We are confronting an ongoing humanitarian disaster. In April and May alone, the Italian Navy saved thousands of refugees in the Mediterranean, but hundreds more died.
  • 19.04.2016 Publication

    Benchmarking Working Europe 2016

    This 2016 edition is intended as one contribution to an assessment of what the EU current policies have achieved, or above all what they have not achieved, and hence as an evaluation of the extent to which the European Union is prepared for the future. All four chapters of this report conclude on a negative note, and each puts forward suggestions for some appropriate policy changes.
  • 06.04.2016 Publication

    European works councils assessments and requirements - Report to the ETUC

    The following report aims at contributing to the European trade union movement’s opinion-building on the review of the EWC Directive. It summarizes the results of a survey carried out on behalf of the ETUC and the European Trade Union Federations industriAll, UNI Europe, EFFAT, EPSU, EFBWW and ETF between autumn 2015 and spring 2016 in the context of the ETUC’s EU-funded project “ETUC Action for Workers’ Participation”.
  • 15.03.2016 Publication

    A European Quality Framework for Apprenticeships

    The European quality framework for apprenticeships was launched during a conference held on 14 April 2016 in Brussels. This framework consists of 20 quality criteria, which have been developed in a bottom-up approach through engaging with experts at national and European levels over the course of 4 joint sectoral seminars and 20 national country visits. Other language versions of the publication will follow shortly.
  • 17.02.2016 Publication

    Restructuring in Europe - Videos

    Videos of the ETUC Project "Restructuring in Europe" dedicated to - Facts & Figures, Forms & Reasons 
  • 21.01.2016 Publication

    Why we need to focus on work related cancer during the Dutch Presidency

    A focus for trade union action during the Dutch Presidency of the EU January 2016 - June 2016 Trade unions throughout Europe support the initiative of the Dutch Presidency to update the EU Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive. We need to act now to ensure that the discussions lead to the type of changes that will protect workers from work related cancer in all industries, occupations and countries in Europe.
  • 08.01.2016 Publication

    Revisiting restructuring, anticipation of change and workers participation in a digitalised world

    The ETUC as well as the ETUFs during the last two decades have been actively involved in the EU level debate on how to improve frameworks conditions for trade unions, employee representatives as well as individual employees in contexts of corporate restructuring – in regard to anticipation and also the handling and management of restructuring operations both at national as well as cross-border level. In various occasions, in trade union run studies and cooperation projects, in bilateral as well as trilateral dialogue structures and events at EU level it has been highlighted and stressed by European unions that there is a need for a substantial strengthening of workers’ rights in order to model and shape a fair handling of corporate restructuring and strengthen the capacity to anticipate change.