Netlex celebrates its 25th Anniversary!
On 2 December, the ETUC’s Confederal Secretary Isabelle Schӧmann together with Frédéric Sève, CFDT National Secretary, kicked off the ETUC conference celebrating 25 years of trade union legal activism in Europe.
The conference is a unique opportunity to reflect on the evolution of the ETUC trade union legal network and to showcase, with its new legal forum named ETUCLEX, the enhanced investment of the trade union legal and litigation action in defending workers’ interests and promoting social justice.
High level representatives from the Council of Europe, the International Labour Organisation, the EU institutions and academia as well as practicing labour and trade union lawyers will debate on some of the most relevant EU legal initiatives for the trade union movement: Human Rights Due Diligence the impacts of artificial intelligence at work, on the protection for platform workers, and the access for self-employed to collective bargaining and the role of collective bargaining in the EU minimum wage and pay transparency initiatives, to name but a few.