• 30.01.2012 Press release

    The ETUC supports democratic transition in Egypt

    Brussels, 30/01/2012 Speaking at the EFITU Congress in Cairo on 29 January, Bernadette Ségol commented: "The Egyptian revolution has just begun. The Egyptian trade union movement has an important role to play in making Egypt a democratic country. The ETUC assures it of its full support and solidarity in this process. I will see to it that the message is passed on to the European authorities: burgeoning democracy in Egypt must be supported to enable it to take root and develop on a lasting basis. This is everyone's duty."
  • 27.01.2012 Press release

    The ETUC meets a tripartite Palestinian Authority delegation

    Brussels, 25/01/2012 In connection with a visit to the European institutions, a delegation composed of representatives from the trade union and employers' organisations, civil society and Labour Ministry of the Palestinian Authority met the ETUC General Secretary. The main subjects of discussion were the promotion of social dialogue and the implementation of a committee for economic, social and civil dialogue within the framework of a project by the International Labour Office (ILO) in Beirut.
  • 25.01.2012 Press release

    European Trade Union Day of Action

    Brussels, 25/01/2012 European trade unions met today, in Brussels,in a strong and coordinated response to the worsening economic and social situation. On the initiative of the ETUC, a European day of action will be organised on 29 February, the eve of the European Council. European trade union organisations will carry out actions in their own country to bring attention to the gravity of the situation. Jobs and social justice can no longer be kept off the European agenda.
  • 18.01.2012 Press release

    ETUC expresses support for TURK-SEN public sector workers fighting privatisation

    Brussels, 18/01/2012 ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol said: “We condemn this action inspired by the authorities in Ankara. Once more working people and their families are carrying the burden of austerity measures and privatisations in the electricity and communications sectors. We extend our solidarity to our colleagues in TURK-SEN and their members in EL-SEN and TEL-SEN”.
  • 12.01.2012 Press release

    New treaty: no to rigid fiscal discipline without sustainable growth

    Brussels, 12/01/2012 The text currently being circulated does not address the challenges created by the crisis. There is a real risk that a new treaty may further strengthen the obligation of member states to adopt fiscal policies that will accentuate rigid economic rules. A fiscal compact must go hand in hand with a social contract for Europe. It must give priority to investments that promote a sustainable economy, quality jobs and social justice, while combating inequalities.
  • 13.12.2011 Press release

    COP 17 Climate Conference in Durban: Mixed Outcome and an Appeal to Europe

    Brussels, 13/12/2011 The Durban Conference was brought to a close with an agreement which – for the moment! -- has managed to save the multilateral approach, but not really the climate. We are in fact still far from the measures needed to reach the goal of limiting global warming to 2°C maximum, even if steps in the right direction have been taken.