• 25.01.2022 Press release

    Uber & Deliveroo fail EU tests on self-employment

    Delivery rider
    Europe’s biggest platform companies will fail the majority of the five tests laid down by the EU to determine whether their staff are genuinely self-employed, an analysis by the ETUC has found. The platform work directive published by the European Commission in December includes a list of criteria which will be used to determine if an employment relationship exists between workers and a company. If a company meets at least two of the five criteria, they will be considered an employer.
  • 24.01.2022 Press release

    Passing away of Carlo Parietti

    Following the recent passing of Carlo Parietti, a former President of Eurocadres and a CGIL trade union leader, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), has sent a message of condolences to Maurizio Landini, CGIL General Secretary: Dear Maurizio, Personally, and also on behalf of the ETUC, please accept my deepest condolences  for the sad death of Carlo Parietti.
  • 17.01.2022 Press release

    67% of workers excluded from EU equal pay policy

    Equal Pay
    Two thirds of European workers would be excluded from pay transparency measures under the proposals made by the European Commission, its own data reveals. Binding pay transparency measures were one of the flagship policy promises of the von der Leyen Commission and, after a 460-day delay, it finally published a draft gender pay transparency directive last spring. But the impact of the directive risks falling far short of its promise because of the Commission’s decision to limit gender pay reporting to organisations with over 250 staff.
  • 11.01.2022 Press release

    ETUC Condolences for the loss of David Sassoli

    David Sassoli - Source: Flickr/Committee of the regions
    We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament. David Sassoli was a true defender of European values and democracy, and fought for a fairer and more united Europe. He was a kind and caring man, an outstanding progressive leader, a supporter of Social Europe and a friend of workers and trade unions. He will be missed very much. The deepest condolences of the European Trade Union Confederation to his family and loved ones.
  • 21.12.2021 Press release

    Workers €649 poorer this Christmas as pay lags behind productivity

    Workers could have covered the cost of Christmas with a little left over for the new year if wages had kept pace with productivity growth over the last two years, research for the ETUC has found. European workers would have collectively received 116 billion Euro more since 2019 if productivity increases had been translated into commensurately higher wages as is meant to be the case.
  • 20.12.2021 Press release

    EU governments must back social security coordination reform

    Trade unions are calling on EU governments to support long overdue improvements to social security coordination needed to protect the rights of some of Europe’s most vulnerable workers. After 17 rounds of negotiations between the European Parliament and the European Council, an agreement on a revision of the EU regulation on the coordination of social security systems was finally found last Thursday. The agreement would ensure improvements on the following issues: