Invitation - European social partners' seminar on social partners' involvement in the economic governance

14 mars 2018 09:00-17:00

Brussels, 27 February 2018

  • To the TUSLOs
  • For information to the Trade Union Members of the SDC
  • For information to the ETUC Member Organisations

TUSLOs registered for the 13th March TUSLO Co-ordination Meeting have already been added to the list for this event, but please remember to register separately using the link below. If you are not already registered for the 13th March TUSLO Co-ordination Meeting, participation at this event cannot be guaranteed as spaces are limited.

Dear Colleagues,

In the framework of the European Social Dialogue Integrated Project 2016-2018, the European social partners – ETUC, BusinessEurope, UEAPME and CEEP – would like to invite you to participate in their:


Wednesday 14 March 2018

Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre

Avenue du Boulevard 17, 1210 Brussels


Social dialogue can be a driving force for successful and fair policy-making. Timely and meaningful involvement of social partners throughout the European semester is key to improve engagement in the design of policies/reforms thereby facilitating their successful implementation in a way that balances the interests of workers and employers.

The involvement of the social partners in the European Semester at EU level has improved via the regular exchanges between the social partners and the EU institutions in formal and informal settings (Tripartite Social Summit, Employment Committee, Social Protection Committee, Social Dialogue Committee, consultation meeting ahead of the Annual Growth Survey, EMCO dedicated meeting on the involvement of social partners in the Semester at national level).

Nevertheless further improvements are needed, in particular at national level to ensure that national consultations of social partners are organised in a more consistent and structured manner at the different stages of the semester.

The EU social partners therefore decided to organise two cluster seminars, one in 2017 and the other in 2018, to discuss the involvement of national members in the Semester process and build on their respective contributions based on the Country Reports, ahead of the publication of the Country Specific Recommendations. 

Seminar’s objectives

  • Follow-up of the 2016 quadripartite statement and of the EU social partners 2013 declaration;

  • Exchange of practices on social partners’ involvement at national level in order to identify and multiply best practices in policy designing and implementation;

  • Evaluation of the impact of social partners’ involvement in the European Semester process including its transparency and openness;

  • Role of social partners in the economic governance processes in the light of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its social scoreboard,.


Interpretation will be provided in English, French, German and Italian.

Practical organisation

We have approximately 40 places available for national social partners:

  • 20 participants for employers’ representatives

  • 20 participants for trade union representatives

There should be a balance between trade union and employer delegations, and organisations should take gender balance into account when nominating participants.

Travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed after the event, please read carefully the registration and reimbursement instructions.

The ETUC is in charge of the practical organisation of this event on behalf of all European social partners. Please read carefully the instructions on the attached reimbursement form for more details concerning travel and accommodation.

Registration procedure

>> Step 1: Complete the online registration

If you have any questions or experience difficulties, do not hesitate to contact Ms Inès Derousselle by email ([email protected])  or by phone (Tel. +32 2 2240 531)

>> Step 2: Wait for the confirmation of your participation from us

>> Step 3: Once registered with us, book your hotel room individually at a hotel of your choice. (List of hotels in the neighbourhood provided attached)

Accommodation costs will be refunded after the event upon receipt of an invoice. Regardless of the hotel room which you choose, the maximum rate which can be reimbursed is €140 per night, for a maximum of two nights. Accommodation costs will be refunded after the event upon receipt of an invoice and a completed reimbursement.

>> Step 4: Book your travel individually

According to the terms of reference for travel (see on the reimbursement from), travel costs will be refunded after the event upon receipt of the invoice.

Should you require any further clarification about the conference or the project activities to date, please do not hesitate to contact your European social partner organisation:

ETUC contact person:

Mr. Marco Cilento

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +32 2 224 05 21

BusinessEurope contact person:

Mr. Guillaume Cravero

Email: [email protected] 

Tel: +32 2 237 65 92

CEEP contact person:

Mr. Guillaume Afellat

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +32 2 229 21 54

UEAPME contact person:

Mr. Arnold de Boer

Email: [email protected]

Tel: + 32 2 285 07 21

We look forward to your active participation in this joint seminar.

Yours faithfully









Guillaume AFELLAT