New ETUC Youth Committee Bureu Elected

Yolanda Gil, from CCOO Spain, has been elected as the President of the Youth Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

Along with the President, the Youth Committee has also appointed its "bureau", the steering body which implements the political decisions.

In her own Union Yolanda has been in charge of international policies, youth and sectoral strategies in the Federation of Health and Social-health Sectors, managing the organization and setting the strategic lines at the state level for the defence, organization and training of young people in this sector. She also represents her federation at the European level in different spaces such as EPSU or PSI.

Together with the elected Bureau Yolanda wants to continue the fight for quality jobs for young people to allow them to have dreams and expectations for the future. She also believes that the worker's movement has to be more flexible and reflect the current workforce if it wants to stay relevant in the policy-making arena.  

"We have to include young people horizontally and hear their voice not only on youth policies but on all workplace policies. We can not just make declarations of good intentions, we must act and revitalise our movement because, without young people on board,  Trade Unions have no future"

The ETUC Youth Bureau now includes 8 members:


  • Yolanda Gil Alonso, CCOO;

Vice Presidents

  • Dimitar Cherkezov, Podkrepa;

Bureau members

  • Vera de Man, CNV;
  • Melanie Hackl, DGB;
  • Eylem Aydemir, FGTB;
  • Alexandru Taslica, Industry All,
  • Markus Wright, STTK
ETUC Bureau
Communiqué de presse